Frequently Asked Questions

Proposition K
Please check back for additional updates to the Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: How is my property assessment determined?

A: The County Assessor makes a determination of property value each year based on real value / market value. That value is then “assessed” at the following rates, creating the “Assessed Valuation.”  Taxes are calculated on the assessed value of your home, not the market value (or what you paid for it).  You should look at your property tax receipt to determine the actual assessed value.

Q: At what rate is each type of property assessed?

A: Agricultural Property = 12% of Valuation

Residential Property = 19% of Valuation

Commercial Property = 32% of Valuation    

Personal Property = 33.3% of Valuation

Q: How much is the district's current school tax levy?

A: The Knob Noster School District’s current tax levy ceiling is $3.45, which is among the lowest in the region, approximately 35% lower than the regional average.   

Q: What is the tax levy amount the district is proposing to voters?

A: The district is proposing a $1.30 increase, which will move the levy ceiling from $3.45 to $4.75.  This will result in the district’s tax levy being slightly above the regional average.

Q: What are the total tax levies for local school districts?  

A: The following are the 2022 tax levies for the districts in the Whiteman AFB Region/ Missouri River Valley Conference, and KNPS district cohort.

District Total Tax Rate Rank
Wellington Napoleon $5.7232 1
Harrisonville $5.4772 2
Chilhowee $5.4329 3
Warrensburg $5.2504 4
Excelsior Springs $5.2262 5
Lexington $5.2080 6
Oak Grove $5.1582 7
Santa Fe $4.9896 8
Carrollton $4.9607 9
Grain Valley $4.9271 10
Clinton $4.9134 11
Leeton $4.8359 12
Kingsville $4.8162 13
Johnson Co R-VII $4.8018 14
Odessa $4.7185 15
Montrose $4.6321 16
Pleasant Hill $4.5971 17
Holden 4.5900 18
Lafayette Co $4.5639 19
Concordia $4.5320 20
Richmond $4.4135 21
Pettis Co R-V $4.1563 22
Davis $4.1262 23
Sedalia $4.0628 24
Shawnee $4.0164 25
Green Ridge $3.9488 26
La Monte $3.8868 27
Smithton $3.6258 28
Warsaw $3.5500 29
Calhoun $3.4660 30
Knob Noster $3.4499 31
Henry Co R-I $3.2500 32
Leesville $2.9736 33
Pettis Co R-XII $2.7900 34

Q: How much is the district's proposed levy increase going to produce?

A: The proposed $1.30 levy increase will produce approximately $1 million in new funds each year, for a total of $20 million from local funding over 20 years.

 Q: What is the total cost for the proposed project?

A: The proposed project cost is $69.6 million, which includes phases I and II, with $20 million coming from local funds and $49.6 million from federal / grant funds.

Q: What are all sources of funds to support the project?

A: The following is the funding breakdown by source.

1. Planning Costs Paid to Date from Federal Sources = $ 3.0 million

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency Grant = $ 5.25 million

3. Cash on Hand from Federal Sources = $ 11.35 million

4. Federal Impact Aid = $ 30 million

5. KN Taxpayer Ballot (Local Taxes – 28.7% of Total Cost) = $ 20 million

Total Project ($49.6 million Fed $20 million Local) = $ 69.6 million                    

*Other Federal Grants will continue to be pursued to supplement the project.  


Q: If the ballot measure is approved and the board upholds its commitment, how will the funds be used?


A: If passed, the funding will support the following:

  1. All New Knob Noster High School Innovation Campus
  2. Expanded Preschool at Knob Noster Elementary School
  3. Integrated SEMA/FEMA Storm Shelter – Monolithic Dome Gymnasium
  4. Multiple Indoor and Outdoor Youth/Adult Activities and Athletics Facilities
  5. Repair and updating of the existing Knob Noster Panther Stadium


Q: How will this project impact the configuration of existing schools?


A: If passed, this project will deliver a new Knob Noster High School for the 26-27 school year.  The current high school will become Knob Noster Middle School.  Knob Noster Middle School will become an Upper Elementary School, and Knob Noster Elementary / Whiteman Elementary will become lower elementary schools.  Preschool will be expanded to Knob Noster Elementary.


Q: What happens if the Levy issue doesn’t pass?  


A: The district is currently exceeding capacity in student enrollment and is using mobile units at two sites (KNE and KNHS) to hold classes.  If the proposed levy doesn’t pass, more mobile units will be used, classroom sizes will likely grow, and overcrowding will increase.  In addition, the district will not be able to expand preschool programs for our families.


Q: Is there a copy of the ballot?

A: Below is the draft ballot language:

“Shall the Board of Education of Knob Noster R-VIII School District be authorized to increase the operating tax levy ceiling to $4.80 per $100 of assessed valuation according to the 2024 assessment for the purpose of construction of a new Knob Noster High School Innovation Campus?

“If this question is approved, the operating tax levy ceiling of the District is estimated to increase by $1.30 per $100 of assessed valuation.


Q: Who can vote in school elections?


A: In order to vote on any election item involving the school district, you only need to live within the school district boundaries, the boundaries of the school district extend beyond the city limits of Knob Noster, into Johnson and Pettis counties. All of Whiteman AFB is located within the Knob Noster School District boundaries.  Residents of Whiteman AFB must be registered as local voters in order to vote.


Q: How will the proposed ballot initiative impact teachers & support staff salaries?

A: This vote will not impact salaries or benefits for staff.  If passed, the new revenue will be directed to support the proposed project.


Q: There seems to be a focus on activities and even athletics.  Why is that?

A: The existing Panther Stadium has reached end of life and is deteriorating in many areas.  While still safe, the current field turf will reach end of life within two years. Currently, Knob Noster Middle School does not have a dedicated stadium or practice facilities. The current Knob Noster High School track is a seven lane track, which prohibits the district from hosting certain events.  Currently, the wrestling and weight facilities are small and cramped.  Last, the current high school gymnasium is undersized to adequately host large events, such as graduation.  For these and other reasons, the facilities which support activities and athletics have emerged as a top priority, along with the need for additional academic spaces.


Q: When will the projects be completed?

A: If passed, they would be completed over the next two years, with classes beginning in the fall of 2026 at the new campus.


Q: When is the election?

A: Election Day is on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.


Q: How is the expansion at the high school going to affect parking and traffic?

A: Over the years, parking has continued to emerge as a significant issue for the district, including issues related to safety.  This project would reduce parking and traffic demands at KNE, WE, KNMS, and the existing KNHS.  The district is working with the City of Knob Noster, Johnson County, Whiteman AFB, and Missouri Department of Transportation to coordinate the traffic plan for the new site.


Q: What percent does it take to pass a levy issue?

A: A levy issue must have the simple majority to pass which is 50% plus 1 yes votes.  


Q.  Why is the district proposing a levy increase rather than proposing a bond issue?


A: Knob Noster Public Schools is one of very few school districts which are heavily military impacted.  In KNPS, we are nearly 70% military connected.  As a result, the district receives a special type of Federal Impact Aid called “Heavily Impacted Impact Aid.”  In order to receive this funding, the district must meet certain requirements for local tax effort based on its operating levy.  The proposed levy increase is expected to protect the school district for 30 years or more.


Q: When is the last day to register to vote?

A: The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, March 6, 2024. 
For information on how to register to vote, Click Here.


Q: Why were these projects selected?

A: These projects were selected to meet the current known needs of the district to reduce overcrowding, expand preschool, enhance safety, and create space for the incoming increase in students associated with the B-21 Mission bed down.


Q: What is the cost for each project?

A: The costs for each project are approximate and will not be finalized until bids are received.  We anticipate the total cost to be around $69.6 million. If bids come in lower, then we can do more with the money.  If bids come in higher, then we can do less.  


Q: What will the school district do if bids come in higher than anticipated?

A: The district has utilized a construction management company to assist with significant pre-bid planning, providing a high level of confidence on the bid estimates. In addition, various options within the plan can be added to or deleted from any project.  This allows the base project to be completed, regardless of costs going up or down and for the addition of more things as funding allows.